Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Cases: Mythological Cases:

Cases: Mythological Cases:

Rape by Ajax the Lesser


I. Author Index

[Info] Mazzoldi, Sabina. »Cassandra, Aiace e lo ?????? di Atena.« Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 55 (1997): 7-21.

II. Speaker Index

Representation in Art

I. Author Index

[Info] Cohen, Beth. »The Anatomy of Kassandra's Rape: Female Nudity Comes of Age in Greek Art.« Source 12 (1993): 37-46.

[Info] Cohen, Beth. »Divesting the Female Breast of Clothes in Classical Sculpture.« Naked Truths: Women, sexuality, and gender in classical art and archaeology. Edited by Ann O. Koloski-Ostrow et al. London 1997: 66-92.

[Info] du Preez, Janke. From Sacrilege to Violence: The Rape of Cassandra on Attic Vases c. 575-400 BCE. M.A. Thesis, Stellenbosch University, 2020.

[Info] Grillo, Jennie. »"You Will Forget Your Ancient Shame": The Innocence of Susanna and the Vindication of Israel.« Women and Exilic Identity in the Hebrew Bible. Edited by Katherine E. Southwood et al. London 2018: 7-22.

[Info] Koloski-Ostrow, Ann O. »Violent Stages in two Pompeian Houses: Imperial taste, aristocratic responsse, and messages of male control.« Naked Truths: Women, sexuality, and gender in classical art and archaeology. Edited by Ann O. Koloski-Ostrow et al. London 1997: 243-266.

II. Speaker Index

Representation in Literature

Representations: Literary Texts: Aeschylus (Agamemnon), Alcaeus, Callimachus, Quintus Smyrnaeus, Tryphiodorus, Christa Wolf (Kassandra)